

Date: SEP,2024

Creative Director: WuYu

Designer: TongYe、XiaoWan、WuYu

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: XiaoWan、Xian

品牌方与咖啡的邂逅历程中,随着对这株植物的日益了解,我们愈发发现它如同‘金丝雀’般的非凡特质,虽金光熠熠却鲜为人知。我们的团队不仅汇聚了咖啡师、烘豆师、加工处理师、杯测师与寻豆师,更包括与咖啡面对面的咖啡农。在品牌深入探索丰富的咖啡处理和加工过程中,我们愈加渴望向世界展示咖啡树独特的性格。 中国咖啡历经四十余年的不懈努力,如今是时候打破陈规,展现其非凡的美味。咖啡树上的每一颗果实,都是独一无二的瑰宝。除了珍贵的咖啡豆,我们也视其果壳如珍宝,将其制成袋泡茶。我们希望通过这一创新,与大家分享咖啡的别样魅力。
Throughout the years of engaging with coffee, as our understanding of this plant deepened, we increasingly discovered its extraordinary qualities, akin to a ‘canary in the coal mine’—radiant yet little-known. Our team encompasses not only baristas, roasters, processors, cupping experts, and bean hunters but also the coffee farmers who work directly with the plants. As we delve deeper into the diverse processes of coffee processing and handling, we are even more eager to showcase the unique character of the coffee tree to the world. Chinese coffee has been striving for over 40 years, and now it is time to break some conventions and showcase its exceptional flavors. Each fruit on the coffee tree is a unique treasure. In addition to the precious coffee beans, we also cherish the coffee husks, transforming them into tea bags. Through this innovation, we hope to share the distinct allure of coffee with everyone.