舔毛 宠物零食系列包装设计

Client: 舔毛 宠物食品用品包装系列设计

Date: SEP,2022

Creative Director: WuYu

Art Director: WuYu / BaoBao

Designer: BaoBao

Motion Designer: ChuanZe

Photography: Xiaoxue



LICKPAW is a young and dynamic pet food brand. In the process of designing the packaging of the licking series, we need a visual identity that can run through the entire series and have a certain degree of differentiation, so that consumers can quickly recognize and feel the characteristics of the brand. Youth, vitality and fun are the feelings we want to convey to consumers in this series of packaging. In the packaging design language this time, we adopted an irregular "fragmented" design, and designed images and interesting graphics for each different product attribute, unifying the image action and layout of the cat licking, Let the whole packaging series form a systematic design